Osh area (206)
Additional Info
- Document name Абдылдабек Оштун акими болгон
- Author name Аматов Ш.
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы 1998.- №15.- 20-23-фев.-3-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Сулайман тоосунун сырлары
- Author name Шериев Ж.
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы 1998.- №22.- 18-20-март.-2-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Портрет боярина
- Author name Мякинников В
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996. 27 января-№11 С.2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Оштогу мавзолей
- Author name Матиева А.
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы .- 1998.- №113.- 1-дек.-2-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Певец тихих радостей
- Author name Перекальская Г.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996.7 сентября-№105 С. 2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name И чувства добрые талантом пробуждая
- Author name Перекальская Г.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996 29августа-№101 С. 3.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Бүт дүйнөгө кол сунам карт тарыхтуу Ошумдан
- Author name Исаков К.
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы.-1997.-№67.-27-30-авг.-5-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name “Мен өлгөмүн... менин жасатым Алай тоолорунда жатат...”
- Author name Сулайманов Т.
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы.-1997.-№85.- 8-11-ноя.- 5-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name “Ош Ак-Таш” корпорациясынын түптөлүшү жана негизделиши тууралуу маалымат
- Author name Исакова Б.
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы.-1997.-№80.-22-24-окт.- 5-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Ташта калган кылымдар
- Author name Майрам Жоош кызы
- Year of publishing Ош жаңырыгы.-1997.-№95.- 20-23-дек.- 4-б.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov