Osh area (206)
Additional Info
- Document name Родословная
- Author name Алиев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996.7 сентября-№105 С. 2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Портрет
- Author name Алиев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996.12 сентября-№107 С. 2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Прекрасная часть семьи Бабура
- Author name Алиев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1998-24февраля-№22-С.2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Пехлеваны, оглакчи, кушчи
- Author name Алиев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996.- 22августа-№98 С. 3.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Парки остаются людям
- Author name Хасанова Н
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-2000.-30сентября.-№79-С.6.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Юбилей века
- Author name Концепция
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996-5ноября-№130-С.2-4.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name От Александра к Искандеру
- Author name Мякинников В.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1998-27января-№10-С.5.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Огонек памяти, преданности, любви
- Author name Адышева Г.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1999.-16 июня.-№56 -С.3.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name О своем великом предке
- Author name Алиев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996.25 апреля-№48 С.3.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Непревзойденные рубаки и признанные мудрецы
- Author name Аюпов А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996 29августа-№101 С. 2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov