Osh area (206)
Additional Info
- Document name Город Ош
- Author name Т.Айдашев
- Year of publishing Мектеп - 1968
- Document type Books
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Жемчужина Бога - город Ош
- Author name Загребельный А.А.
- Year of publishing Ош - 2003 г.
- Document type Books
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Ошское поселение к историии ферганы в эпоху поздней бронзы
- Author name Ю. А. Заднепровский
- Year of publishing Бишкек 1997
- Document type Books
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Бабур - Намэ
- Author name Захириддин Бабур
- Year of publishing Баку 2011
- Document type Books
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Курманжан датка
- Author name Союз журналистов республики Кыргызстан
- Year of publishing 1991
- Document type Books
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Найден доарабский Ош?
- Author name Хамидов М
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша 1998
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov