Regions (1887)
Additional Info
- Document name “Аллегория жизни” Батыра Джалиева
- Author name Полищук С.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-2003.-2августа.-№59-С.4.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Право вести за собой?
- Author name Урбаев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-2003.-26марта.-№23-С.2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Где была Александрия Эсхата
- Author name Мякинников В.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1998-31январяя-№12-С.2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name По заветам Александра Чуба
- Author name Аматов Ы.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-2003.-29марта.-№24-С.3.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Баялиновка
- Author name РБДЮ им. К. Баялинова
- Year of publishing 2013
- Document type Audio and video files
- Represented by Republican Library for Children and Youth named after K. Bayalinov
Additional Info
- Document name Флешмоб - Профилактика туберкулеза
- Author name РБДЮ им. К. Баялинова
- Year of publishing 2012
- Document type Audio and video files
- Represented by Republican Library for Children and Youth named after K. Bayalinov
Additional Info
- Document name Ситуация с фосфоритами?
- Author name Мякинников В.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-2003.-22февраля.-№13-С.4.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Властелин двадцати семи государств:
- Author name Алиев А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1996. 17 сентября-№109 С 2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Великие Моголы
- Author name Мякинников М.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-2000.-12июля.-№56-С.8.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov
Additional Info
- Document name Вдохнуть аромат эпохи ушедшей
- Author name Захарова А.
- Year of publishing Эхо Оша.-1998-5сентября.-№101.-С.2.
- Document type Newspapers
- Represented by Osh oblast library named after Toktogul Satylganov